Our story began with a fortuitous meeting between expertise gained in one of the world's best healthcare systems and a benevolent resource. They stopped for a moment, had a look around and realised that what Hungary really needed was security and predictability.

The demand for these qualities becomes most essential when productive and successful people are suddenly confronted with their vulnerability. Unusual symptoms, inexplicable sicknesses, unexpected illnesses and our superheroes find themselves knocked off their career paths and in no time at all on the threshold of admission to the healthcare system. Desperate and vulnerable, they do not know which way to turn next.

We have all been there. We have all had similar experiences and heard about the ordeals our family members and friends have had to face. These stories all have one thing in common: they rarely end in a sense of relief.

Our mission is to ensure that you, your family members and your colleagues do not have to experience this unsettling feeling. Should anything go wrong, you will instantly be in the best medical hands. Our success is that your and your loved ones' health, your most treasured assets,  are restored as soon as humanly possible.



MediHelp Hungary is a member of the MediHelp International Group, the market leader in health insurance in Central and Eastern Europe. We are present in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. Our medical partners are among the leading service providers on the domestic and European markets. Medisky - successfully combining international medical care with emergency assistance in Poland and abroad for your benefit.